Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Not materialistic??

I find most kids have lot of toys or have a favourite toy to which they are attached to. If I look at my kids, they hardly play with toys. They have a few toys, but somehow they don't seem to be very interested in them. But they still fight over the toys they have, feel it more of extending their authority over the toy for that moment than attachment. Even fighting is a form of entertainment for them.I ofter wonder why this is, could it be because they are more attached to each other.
They seem to prefer playing with each other playing, talking, fighting They definitely love each other, even though they keep fighting more often than not. They also seem to be slow in making new friends. Even though lot of kids in the neighbourhood keep talking to them, they hardly respond. They are happier to say bye than hi. Only kid they seem to like is their cousin.
Now that they are in separate classes, hopefully will start mingling with others. Rishica's teacher told she has made friends with few of her classmates last couple of weeks. That's good to know.

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