Monday, February 2, 2009
4 years 6 months
Rishabh is becoming aggressive beating up Rishica and Sonu (though she is bigger than him) when things don’t go his way. He seems to very understanding in from of us adults, joining his sister he becomes as naughty. He has joined her in drawing on walls. Bedroom walls are big mess (we have now stopped cleaning). They lock themselves up and do god knows what which including both of them pissing in bedroom. They pull out all the sheets, blankets and spare bed and freak out.
Recently he got lost twice in 2 days. His thata had taken him to park and casual mentioned that he will take them to Pakki mama’s house. This fellow started running towards home. That assumed he has run home, this fellow headed straight to Pakki mama’s house few block away. Thata and Ajji searched for him in the house and then realized this fellow is nowhere to be seen. Both of the set out in different directions in search. Lo! He comes with his friend Abhishek’s father on bike. He told the GPs that the found him walking alone, when questioned he kid mentioned that he is on his way to pakki mama’s house. When asked why he was alone, he turned back and looked for his thatha and then realized he was alone. He had assumed his GF was following him behind, he then panicked and started wailing and he was brought home.
Next day we had gone to Lifestyle for shopping. He was with his mom he said he is going to father and ran. After sometime we I met mom we realized this fellow is missing. I went in search, I heard a kid wailing, I say 2 sales girl talking to him. I was mightily relived and embraced with all eyes on me. I forgot to thank them (cursing myself for that).
Coming to Rishica, she is one hell of a girl who hyper these days. She actually is the one gives all the ideas for the fun they have, encourages Rishabh to create havoc and then come and complain. She know how to have her way with parents. Unlike Rishabh who is more direct. She still acts cute or bratty depending on the situation. She still does not talk to her teacher, we found some bruises on her cheek, which she says the teacher slapped her for not writing and not responding, which the teacher denied. This from the soft spoken teacher is criminal.
She had trouble with numbers she used to interchange number and write e.g 34 was written as 43. She seems to have overcome the problems and makes occasional mistakes. She prefers English reading and off course drawing humans. She does not like scenery.
She won her first medal on the sports, she got a second proze.
Both of them like to play with sister’s new baby Obama, especially Rishabh. She was initially shy but got used to him. But they are jealous of him getting my wife and mother’s attention. They want to be carried by the ladies like they do the baby.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Visit to Vani Vilas Sagara Dam aka Mari Kanave

This is a little known tourist spot about 175 kms from Bangalore. It is 17 kms off NH4 to the left after Hiriyur.

It is one of the very beautiful scenic spots around Bangalore It has lot of beautiful hills with emerald green waters stored in the dam. A nice little dam not an ugly concrete structure.
There are lots and lots of windmills on the hills which are starting to spoil to beauty of the place. because windmills are still new to us, it is still is an attraction.
The place is so windy the there are wave like in sea, not so big though.
If anybody want to play, one can take a deviation to right just before the dam there is a small temple being built. trek for 1/2 to 1 kms depending on water level.

Water is shallow and bit muddy. Need to find a place without weeds. It was fun playing in the shallow waters, even my 4 year old had lot of fun.
There is a small garden which looked pretty from outside which we missed going to.

Overall a nice place unspoilt by commercialization, go in a large group can have fun. An ideal one day trip away from maddening crowds of Bengaluru.
We also went to a place called All Rameshwara near Hosadurga, a place for religious minded, with lots of superstition. Seems to be quite popular definitely more popular than the dam. I dint bother to into the temple.
Friday, September 28, 2007
First prize
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Rishica's Mural

Rishica loves to write, color, she has developed a liking for writing on walls. We normally scold her. But this time we did not feel like. We have even retained it on the wall of our living room.
She has drawn our family portrait.
She describes the portrait from right to left as
Rishabh (one with body arms and a tail), herself, amma, appa, ajji, thatha, attae, Raju mama
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
At 3 years and almost 2 months
Both seem to have got boundless energy. Rishabh talks, talks and talks. He has forgotten his "what is this". He tries to speak in English. Some times he just makes up some words, we are left wondering what he is talking. He is like a commentator who comments on everything he sees. He even tells me how to drive. Tells me to hold the steering in both hands at it sides. Even if I move one hand to the top of Steering or when I hold the gear lever, he promptly tells me to drive properly holding the steering at the sides with both hands. What a fellow!!!
Right now he is attached to my brother in law, he prefers to play with him, when he comes back. When they (sis and BIL) moved to their new home, he seems to understand they have to anyhow move.
He has picked up lot of songs from Hudugata movie whereas rhymes from school isn’t as exciting.
He has developed a second skin in form of Jeans pant. He has to wear it always. Flashback I used to do he same in II PUC. What a change, it was Rishica was making a big fuss over dressing. Now it is him.
He harasses Rishica to no end, hitting her, snatching things from her. It seems she has mellowed down a bit. She is not as aggressive as she was.
He has started to remember his dreams, he was describing a Lion roaring he being a big boy and Rishica being a small girl. Guess he was playing a protective brother??
Rishica as I mentioned is softer now, but she plays, yells and screams as much. She still cant speak fluently, but she sings songs along with him. After the Krishna Janmastami, she has developed liking for frock and juttu. She likes nail polish; she paints her nails with pencil seeing her aunt, mom and ajji. It was for couple of weeks, she is back to her preferred pink night dress.
Us parents got to see their report cards, Rishabh's assessment was more of teacher playing safe with Bs and few A. Rishcia's was a pretty good assessment by teacher. She likes writing, painting, she has started to make few friends. She still has to learn to respond to people's questions. We still do not know a single name of her friend. We meet Rishica's teacher again this month, she told us Rishi has a gang who always are laughing in the class, Signs of giggling girls?? She told us she has suddenly lost interest in coloring. She showed us her work book. She has done a pretty good job of tracing and writing alphabets.
She is still more caring about people. Sister has moved to her house Rishica woke up started feeling bad that Attae and Raju mama were not at home.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Not materialistic??
They seem to prefer playing with each other playing, talking, fighting They definitely love each other, even though they keep fighting more often than not. They also seem to be slow in making new friends. Even though lot of kids in the neighbourhood keep talking to them, they hardly respond. They are happier to say bye than hi. Only kid they seem to like is their cousin.
Now that they are in separate classes, hopefully will start mingling with others. Rishica's teacher told she has made friends with few of her classmates last couple of weeks. That's good to know.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Time out for Kids
I found it funny when I saw my Indian Americans rather NRIs or in cartoon American parents making kids face the wall and stand. Was wondering how what effect would it have on kids, always believed in spare the rod and spoil the child.
Whenever kids got out of control, I used to scream, it worked not more than few times. Then I tried talking to them in low firm voice, it worked for almost equal number of days. Then even hit them occasionally. Both of them have found defenses against that. One small spank, son starts wailing till he vomits. I become angrier because I can’t do anything. Daughter will start crying but come and hit back, even when she is helpless.
Well my sister back from
It was difficult make Rishica stand in the corner. But after few days she realized it was a punishment. She starts crying and will stop whatever she is doing and even apologizes.
It has been working for couple of weeks; hope it continues to. Good thing is even I don’t feel guilty that I scream or hit the kids and for them it has helped them control their behavior without elders being harsh.